Diaz eats multiple shots from Paul. Diaz fires to the body.. Paul keeps Diaz guessing, mixing it up to the body and to the head. Paul corners Diaz but Diaz shrugs it off, taunting him. Diaz lands an uppercut in the clinch. Paul fires 1-2. Diaz blitzes Paul with punches but Paul doesn’t back down. Paul lands a crisp uppercut. Diaz oddly enough goes for a guillotine choke which is quickly denied by the referee.Paul starts off the round aggressive, landing on Diaz. Diaz gets off a few good strikes from within the clinch. Paul swings wildly but misses. Paul patters the body of Diaz. Both Diaz and Paul block each other’s strikes well.EVEN IN SLO MO IT’S JUST AS INTENSE 🔥Round 9:Round 4:Round 4:Paul and Diaz work their strikes in the clinch with both of them finding success. Paul throws the right hand. Diaz fires a left hook. They clinch and break. Paul works the jab before attacking g the body. Diaz unloads punches on Paul while int he pocket. Diaz gets a 1-2 in. Diaz lands a short uppercut. Diaz clips Paul in close quarters. Diaz applies constant pressure, really engaging with Paul on the feet. Paul and Diaz work their strikes in the clinch with both of them finding success. Paul throws the right hand. Diaz fires a left hook. They clinch and break. Paul works the jab before attacking g the body. Diaz unloads punches on Paul while int he pocket. Diaz gets a 1-2 in. Diaz lands a short uppercut. Diaz clips Paul in close quarters. Diaz applies constant pressure, really engaging with Paul on the feet. HERE COMES NATE DIAZ 🔥🔥🔥Paul lands to the body from the clinch. Paul lands a hook to the body. Diaz fires punches at Paul in the pocket. Diaz works the body in the clinch. Diaz lands a left hand as they break. Paul’s jabs don’t find a home. Diaz increases his volume as the round goes on. Diaz presses Paul with punches. Diaz clips Paul at the end of the round.CDS: 10-9 PaulPaul lands a body shot to begin the fight. Paul fires a left hand. Diaz works the jab. Paul swarms Diaz against the ropes. Paul throws punches and bunches with Diaz eating shot after shot. Diaz survives the onslaught. Diaz clinches up with Paul and they break. Diaz re-enters the clinch with Paul against the ropes. Paul pumps out the jab before landing to the body. Diaz fires a few shots before the round ends.Round 2:
CDS: 10-9 Diaz10-9 Paul— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 6, 2023
Paul lands a good left hand on Diaz. Diaz throws to the body but Diaz rushes him with punches of his own. Paul and Diaz trade strikes. They work in the clinch. Paul lands a left hand. Paul lands to the head and then to the body. Diaz returns fire. Diaz swings with two hooks. Paul works his jab from a distance. Paul knocks down Diaz with a punch to the top of his head. Paul smells blood and goes after Diaz. Paul tee’s off with many strikes. Diaz weathers the storm and Paul pulls back. Diaz land s a good left hand. Paul lands an uppercut, Diaz returns with hooks. — DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 6, 2023
Watch #PaulDiaz LIVE on DAZN PPV NOW ON https://t.co/Yb1DVnmSYA 🥊@jakepaul | @natediaz209 | @mostvpromotions | @realfightinc | @celsiusofficial | #CELSIUSLiveFit | #CELSIUSBrandPartner pic.twitter.com/SszfFhsNHXThe wait is over.Round 10:Check out the highlights below:— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 6, 2023
Paul continues to work behind the jab. Paul’s right hand finds its target. Diaz lands a short right hook. Diaz keeps Paul on the back foot. Diaz lands a left hand and then a right. Diaz blasts Diaz with two uppercuts, followed by hooks. Diaz swarms Paul in the final 20 seconds of the round. Diaz batters Paul with a few punches.— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 6, 2023