Meni Mayer first reported the matchup was in the works.The company has yet to officially announce the venue for UFC 293 in Sidney.“King” was victorious in her four UFC appearances in a span of 12 months between 2021 and 2022, stopping Antonina Shevchenko, Lara Fritzen Procopio and Shana Dobson before earning a decision over Modafferi.Araujo (11-5) looks to get back on track in the UFC following consecutive decision defeats to future champion Alexa Grasso and Amanda Ribas. The former Pancrase champion holds an octagon record of 5-4 with key wins over Roxanne Modafferi and Alexis Davis.The first fight agreed for UFC’s upcoming pay-per-view card in Australia on Sept. 9 is a flyweight showdown between Viviane Araujo and Casey O’Neill, multiple people with knowledge of the situation told MMA Fighting.O’Neill (9-1) recently suffered the first setback of her professional MMA career, dropping a decision to Jennifer Maia in March.Araujo and O’Neill are currently ranked No. 13 and No. 14 at 125 pounds respectively in the MMA Fighting Global Rankings.Damon Martin contributed to this report.
Viviane Araujo vs. Casey O’Neill booked for UFC 293 in Australia