KSI expressed his disappointment upon viewing a leaked video of Andrew Tate and a fan engaging in a sparring match. The footage depicts Tate struggling to overpower his smaller opponent throughout the duration of the match. Tate, who is known for his conceited demeanor, was recently released from house arrest in Romania following charges of sex trafficking.I was literally teaching him and telling him what to do. I wasnt even punching back.
Andrew Tate engages in a sparring session, KSI shares his response via Twitter.
Andrew Tate made a statement that appeared to be well-timed. He tweeted, “I was instructing him and giving him directions” in response to the incident. However, the footage indicates that there was no verbal communication during their sparring session. The smaller opponent displayed impressive boxing skills, including head movement and footwork that suggested he had been training for several years.
Andrew Tate had a tough time battling his opponent in the video, but he managed to land a body shot that left his opponent breathless. KSI took notice and tweeted that he would easily defeat Andrew Tate if they were to face off. KSI invited skeptics to watch their potential match on May 13th.KSI, a popular YouTuber and boxer from the UK, found it amusing when a video surfaced of Andrew Tate struggling against a smaller opponent. He shared a tweet mocking Tate.
What was your opinion on Andrew Tate’s display during the sparring session?