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Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Breaking News: Dana White, President of UFC, Reveals Significant Declaration!


Sign up to receive the most recent UFC updates: https://ufc.ac/3u8FIJp

Get up close and personal with UFC action by subscribing to UFC FIGHT PASS, the UFC’s digital subscription service. Check out https://ufcfightpass.com/ for more information.

To purchase UFC Pay-Per-Views through ESPN+, go to https://ufc.ac/3NKBvmx (available only in the United States).

To purchase UFC Pay-Per-Views, go to http://welcome.ufcfightpass.com/#PPV (for those outside the United States).

Visit https://ufcstore.com to purchase authentic UFC merchandise.
Visit https://ufccollectibles.com to purchase authentic UFC memorabilia.
Visit https://ufc.ac/3Oz2gLH to explore and purchase official UFC VIP Live Event Experiences.

Link up with UFC through the internet and on various social media platforms:
🟠 The official website of UFC can be accessed at http://www.ufc.com.
Twitter profile for UFC: http://www.twitter.com/ufc
Facebook page for UFC: http://www.facebook.com/ufc
Instagram profile for UFC: http://www.instagram.com/ufc 🔴
🟡 Snapchat: UFC
Purple-colored Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/ufc

Link up with UFC FIGHT PASS on social media:
Reworded: Follow UFC Fight Pass on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/ufcfightpass.
Reworded: The Facebook page for UFC Fight Pass can be found at http://www.facebook.com/ufcfightpass.
Instagram can be accessed at http://www.instagram.com/ufcfightpass.

#UFC #DanaWhite

Gain entry to the most up-to-date UFC material by subscribing through https://ufc.ac/3u8FIJp. Immerse yourself in the UFC universe with UFC FIGHT PASS, the digital subscription service of the UFC, which can be found at https://ufcfightpass.com/. If you are a U.S. resident, you can purchase UFC Pay-Per-Views on ESPN+ by going to https://ufc.ac/3NKBvmx, while non-U.S. residents can place their orders at http://welcome.ufcfightpass.com/#PPV. Official UFC Gear and Memorabilia can be purchased at https://ufcstore.com and https://ufccollectibles.com, respectively. To have a VIP Live Event Experience, go to https://ufc.ac/3Oz2gLH.

To stay updated with UFC, visit their website at http://www.ufc.com and follow them on their social media platforms including Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/ufc), Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/ufc), Instagram (http://www.instagram.com/ufc), Snapchat (UFC), and Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/ufc). Additionally, you can connect with UFC FIGHT PASS by following them on their social media accounts such as Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/ufcfightpass), Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/ufcfightpass), and Instagram (http://www.instagram.com/ufcfightpass).

Make sure you stay up-to-date on all the latest UFC events by following #UFC and Dana White.

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